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Membership and ?

From: Member ID: # 2.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 20, 2012, 8:43 PM

I sure hope you've had a great week so far.

I am so proud of the group we have started. It is so rewarding through the thank you's and emails from all of you. There are many times when I wonder if this is all worth it-----then I get your comments, emails, thank yous, thoughts and feedback---I find it so worth it. It is an amazing feeling thinking that in some small part I have helped you to meet someone that  could in any way build in a relationship of some sort. Whether that is for business, personal or more---everything we do in life is about the relationships and networks we build for ourselves--if I can help in any way,,,please let me know. There are so many in our group that want to help when we can. I thank all of you.


And then there is the membership fee (yes the huge cost to be a part of this group!)

I hope you understand that there is a cost to run this group. Your $20 lifetime membership covers, web sites, condiments, reservations, printing, markers, paper, and if I have to explain it all--well I'm sorry. If you can't afford $20 for all we do---this isn't the group for you. I try not to nickel and dime you on each event, because I cover those costs.


Hope your having a great day.

Call if you have questions or ideas





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