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Replies to messages on the Message Board

From: Rex and Lisa B.
Sent on: Sunday, January 4, 2009, 7:18 PM
I wanted to say something to all our members about posting and replying to messages on the Message Board. I feel the Message Board is a wonderful tool for members to ask questions, provide information, post message updates and just generally chat with each other. But lately, I've noticed the tone of some of the messages has been rather harsh and/or critical of other members. I know we are not all going to agree with the things that some Dane owners do or say (i.e. breeding, selling, etc.), and everyone has a right to their opinion, but I think if you choose to respond to a message that is posted, please think about how you are responding in writing. I imagine you wouldn't say some of those same things directly to that member if you had to speak to them in person rather than write out your message. You may not realize how the tone can come across in the message, but others do.

I know some members post items that may be of concern to others regarding how that member may care for their Dane. But if you choose to offer suggestions or make a comment, please make it constructive and cordial even if you don't agree with what they are doing. Remember, most members post messages because they are tuly looking for help or answers to their questions or individual situation, and as a group with so many members, we can be an invaluable resource to help everyone. I don't think any of our members have bad intentions when it comes to caring for their Dane, and by posting a message they are reaching out to all us.

I would hate to lose a member because they felt so criticized that they didn't want to participate anymore. I want everyone to feel comfortable using the Message Board and attending our Meetups. The Meetup Group is supposed to be a fun way to socialize with others who enjoy the companionship of a Great Dane and for our puppies (they're all just big puppies to me!) to socialize and play. Let's continue to make sure all members feel welcome and accepted. As Meetup members and Dane owners, we all share a love for this wonderful breed, the best of all breeds as far as I'm concerned, and that is something I think we can all agree on.


Lisa Butterfield

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