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School Choice Survey for New Yorkers

From: Daniel A.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 8, 2015, 3:20 PM
Hi everyone, I am forwarding this on behalf of an organization looking to increase matriculation of people of color into NYC's elite Specialized High Schools. They need participation from anyone in the sphere of influence of children,
 I am the CEO & Founder of Blacks & Browns of the Big 3, Inc. ("Big 3"), a Queens, NY based educational advocacy organization that started as a Facebook group in late 2010 and has grown to more than 900 members. We are primarily specialized high school alumni who are concerned about the declining enrollment of black and Latino (brown) students at our alma maters, Bronx High School of Science, Stuyvesant and Brooklyn Technical High School, and the lack of diversity at the five newer high schools, all of which admit students based on the Specialized High Schools Admission Test (SHSAT). I formed the 501c3 organization in 2014 to have an entity that would teach families about the specialized high schools, direct them to preparation courses, and, generally, to advocate for better access to quality public education.

The point of these interviews is to help me better understand factors associated with school choice as I take Big 3 to another level -- to inform parents in selected Queens neighborhoods, with high black and Latino populations, about top performing public schools and programs.

Daniel Adeyanju

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