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New Meetup: Dayhike Roxborough St. Park

From: Scott
Sent on: Saturday, November 13, 2010, 2:15 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Weekend Hikers...Plus!

What: Dayhike Roxborough St. Park

When: Wednesday, November 17,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Roxborough State Park
4751 Roxborough Dr
littleton, CO 80125

Folks we'll meet at the King Soopers parking lot at the intersection of Rampart Range and Waterton Roads and drop off a few cars to save us out of work hikers a few dollars on this one since there is a per vehicle entry fee into the park. We'll meet on the East side of the lot away from the Grocery. Please be here by 9:45.

Directions to the King Soopers parking lot: From C-470 head South on Wadsworth. When Wadsworth curves around to the right you turn left onto Waterton Road. Go to the stoplight and the parking lot is on your right.

We're going to do the trail that 'climbs' Carpenter Peak. The hike is listed as 6.4 miles and Strenuous but this is the easiest 'strenuous' hike you will ever do. It's listed that way because it's a little bit long. It is not seep at all.

Fido must stay home today.


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