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Invite from Art Lee to "How Local Businesses Use Social Media"

From: Art L.
Sent on: Thursday, April 12, 2012, 2:57 PM

HK Freelancers, 

Just wanted to share an event I am hosting to cover all the things that were presented during Social Media Week back in February and how local business have been using Social Media to successfully promote their products and services. 

Wrap Up of Social Media Week - How Local Businesses Use Social Media


RSVP here:

It's been some time since our last meetup and we're looking forward to another live event for our group. Back in Feb, Social Media Week happened. There was a lot of information that was taken from the many events we attended and we would like to share this info with the group.

We will cover how local businesses have been utilizing Social Media in order to gain increased exposure, win new clients and serve existing customers.

In the past live event, we had more feedback about the information being very valuable and although we were also pitching a paid seminar series, people didn't want to be sold something. Our seminar series will continue and our live events will focus on just delivering pure VALUABLE content to its members.

This will be a paid event (HKD 100) to cover venue costs which will be announced at a later date.

RSVP today.

We are going to have a drawing to give away a couple of prizes and every attendee will receive a special eBook on Linkedin Marketing.




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