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Trip Details

From: user 4.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 6, 2014, 10:46 AM

I'm so excited about our upcoming hot spring adventure to Sierra Hot Springs.

A few logistical things to ponder...

Please update your rsvp if it changes, so we have an accurate count.

I'm starting a carpool signup, so please email me if you would like to carpool from Sacramento and if you are willing to many people fit in your car?

What to bring...

Please bring cash ($20) to pay your fees, this will make paying as a group easier, there will be a group waiver to sign upon arriving.

Lunch and snacks (some snacks and food items are available for purchase at the hot springs) (a communal kitchen is available for your use) (dinner items or there is a restaurant in town)

A water bottle

Sunscreen and a sunhat if you are sensitive

Shoes for hiking if you are so inclined

A towel and/or wrap

A bathing suit, if desired

If carpooling,gas money to share with your driver