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New Meetup: "Charting Techniques to Shape Your U.S. dollar Opinion"

From: user 5.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 9:54 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Wichita Online Trading Academy!

What: "Charting Techniques to Shape Your U.S. dollar Opinion"

When: Tuesday, April 20,[masked]:00 PM

Wherever you are
Anywhere, KS

What's next for the U.S. dollar? Uncertain where the markets are headed?

Join Steve Misic, a top instructor at Online Trading Academy and trader with over 15 years experience, as he discusses the best way to identify trading opportunities for FX Options based on his unique perspective on charting.

Steve will provide examples of support and resistance levels, as well as how to set the rules for entries, exits, and stops. Using fundamental and technical analysis, Steve will demonstrate how you can hedge your investments, implement price forecasts with limited risks or increase your portfolio returns by selling options.

This is a webinar through FX Options. To register, please click here.

Learn more here:

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