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Oak Cliff 75216 near VA Hospital - 3/2 - CHEAP-

From: Lydia O.
Sent on: Thursday, August 21, 2014, 12:50 PM
Click this link for pics
DALLAS, TX 75216

3 bed - 2 bath was previously a duplex
Living sqft - 1,244 per dcad
Year built - 1948
Pier & beam
Roof fixed in 2011
Needs: Water heater, some electric, kitchen, bath, flooring, paint. misc.

Est. Repairs: $15,000
Est. Market Rent: $750-$800
Price: $23,000 Cash

Monthly Rent: $750
Property taxes: $85
Management (8%): $60
Est. Insurance: $70
Maintenance: $75
Misc.: $70
HOA Fees: $0
Potential Mo. Net
Income: $390
11.9% ROI

$ Cash Only $
$2,500 non-refundable deposit to lock this up
Buyer pays all closing costs
Property sold as-is

Please Do Your Own Due Diligence Before Signing Contract.
Call For Access. House sitters are currently in place.

Thank you,
Lydia Ortiz