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Events Planning Thoughts

From: user 6.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 11:34 PM
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to send a quick note to share my thoughts about events planning
for the group...

1) Monthly Dinners:
I would like us to have monthly cultural dinners. With such a great
variety of cultures living in the DC area and a related amount of dining
experiences... I thought this would be a good way for us to get together
and experience different cultures as well.

Note that the 1st Cultural Dinner is this Sat. Feb 21st. Also, note that
the deadline to register for this event is tomorrow, Wed. Feb 18th.

I would like to take this time to introduce and thank Neville who is
one of our new Assistant Organizers. He has taken on the task of organizing
our monthly dinners. So please give him a big Thanks when you see him.

Also, because this will be an regular event, if you have some other great
cultural dining spots in mind that you would like to recommend to the group;
please forward that info to Neville.

2) Networking/Happy Hours:
I'll have more to come this; however, I am looking forward to continuing to
schedule happy hour events on a monthly basis. Am working on how to
change the format up a little so that we get a little more professional value
from some of the events. I do also want to see how we can come together
with other groups for a lot more fun and interaction.

3) Cultural Events:
One of the main reasons I was excited about taking a consulting contract
in DC was to get exposure to the wide variety of cultural and Embassy events
that occur on a regular basis. We are looking definitely looking forward to
scheduling some of these and experiencing all that DC has to offer.

So this is just a quick overview of what we have planned. My hope is that by
scheduling two or three of these types of events a month that we should have
a little something for everyone to enjoy.

As always keep the suggestions and feedback coming..

== Steven