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New Meetup: Big Picture Movie Night in Redmond: "Takers"

From: Claudette
Sent on: Thursday, October 7, 2010, 2:02 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Discover Seattle Activity Group!

What: Big Picture Movie Night in Redmond: "Takers"

When: Tuesday, October 12,[masked]:30 PM

Price: $7.00 per person

Where: The Big Picture Redmond
[masked]th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052

What a great place to see a movie. It'll be like hanging out with friends in our own private screening room. If you like movies, comfortable seats, beverages delivered to your seat and/or haven't been to the Big Picture yet (or even if you have), this is the event for you.

The movie starts at 8:25pm, but come one over about 7:30pm to socialize with other movie go-ers, hang out, have a drink. They now also serve individual pizzas and Chicago style hot dogs along with their signature popcorn and other movie snacks (see more below). We usually have full run of the theater so I will not block off a section of seats but bring something to save your own.

The Big Picture in Redmond presents:
Click photo to see trailer

Action/Crime/Thriller ? PG-13 ? 107 min
Starring: Chris Brown, Hayden Christensen, Matt Dillon, Michael Ealy

"Big Picture features plush couches, a state of the art theatre including jaw-dropping sound-system, comfortable ambiance, full bar and catering. Our lounges offer stylish hip furnishings and beautiful custom bars with a full selection of beer, wine, fun party cocktails as well as non-alcoholic selections. Our professional staff can even take your order and serve you a cocktail directly in your theatre seat during the movie so you don't have to miss a single moment of the action. Enjoy martini olives that are stuffed with real blue cheese and shaken with love, and popcorn which is fresh popped and served in Champagne buckets with white cheddar cheese sprinkled on top. Redmond features TempurPedic foam theatre seats. We are for guests who are over the age of 21, which means there are no kids here to distract you from the experience.

Welcome to Heaven!"

Since this is an independent movie theatre, the movies are not first run, but well worth the wait. They have a great lounge to socialize in with a full bar. This is a multi-meetup event so the numbers will be higher than what's on the RSVP here. If you'd like to meet earlier for dinner, please post times/ideas/interest in the comment section. Lots of places in Redmond Town Center from which to choose.

Tickets may be purchased online (select REDMOND for this show) or at the theater.

The Big Picture Redmond is located in Redmond Town Center on the second floor right across from Macy's, not to be confused with the $30+ ticket-Gold Class Cinemas also in Redmond Town Center.

Shows on Monday and Tuesday are $7. All other shows are $11.

This is a cross-posted/multi-meetup event.

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