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Have Ideas? Let's Hear 'Em!

From: DoubleD
Sent on: Saturday, December 11, 2010, 11:21 AM
Hi all,
My name is Dwight, your new organizer for the New York City Japanese Dinner and Culture Club.

I'm looking forward to a fun and exciting series of Meet Ups in 2011 - and I think we have a unique opportunity to start fresh and have at least one Meet Up a month.

So what do you want to do in 2011?
Do you know of a cool Japanese restaurant in New York where they have sushi? hibachi? kabuki theater?

Do you know where we can take a sushi appreciation course/tasting or a DIY sushi dinner class?

Do you have another idea for a Meet Up? Please share it by visiting our Ideas page:

I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you in 2011.


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