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Upper Chattahoochee River Keepers T-shirt design

From: John M.
Sent on: Thursday, January 19, 2012, 5:03 PM

First of all let me say, this is Georgia, winter will not last long and our classes and beginner trips will start up soon.  For those of you with your own boats who like to paddle when it is chilly, check out my other group at  Trips with that group run year round.

As you all know, I strongly support all of the River Keepers.  I think of the hooch as my personal river so UCR is at the top of my list of groups to help when I can.

First, if any of you have not joined UCR yet, I strongly encourage you to check them out at: and join immediately.  We can actually paddle the hooch below Atlanta because of this group.  They have lots of fun activities throughout the year and everyone on staff is "good people".  (That is a southern compliment for all you transplants)

Next, they are having a contest right now on facebook to pick the T-shirt design for the coming year. Go to: 

look over the designs and vote, heck, if you have talent, submit yours.

I look forward to seeing you all on the water soon.

John Miller, Organizer Kayak Classes and Atlanta Area Paddlers