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Looking for a spanish speaking tour guide for a VIP client

From: Johnchito
Sent on: 2014년 9월 28일 일요일 오후 7:12

Dear friends,


As you may know, we frequently get requests from private companies looking for people who can speak foreign languages and have some specific skills.


We were contacted by this high profile travel agency looking for someone with the following characteristics,


1. Must speak very fluently spanish since the tour will be carried out entirely in that language. Also must speak well korean in order to communicate with the agency's staff and the person in charge of the client.


2. Must have experience in doing city tours with a good knowledge about the main touristic sites in the Seoul area.


3. Must be available for the dates 10.3~7 full time. Not counting the days of arrival and departure, the first two days will consist in city tours and the third day will be related to business.


Please send me your resume if you qualify and we'll forward it to the travel agency. If you know anybody with the above characteristics, please send us his/her contact number. The pay is very good and needs to be negotiated directly with the agency.


Only the resumes that are sent until tomorrow, monday, will be forwarded for this particular job, and any resume that is sent afterwards, will be taken into consideration for future opportunities.

If you have any questions, contact me at[masked]. kakaotalk id: fromchile

Best regards,



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