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Anybody interested studying languages?

From: Johnchito
Sent on: 2014년 9월 17일 수요일 오후 5:49

Dear friends,


As you know, we do post requests for those who wish to find a language exchange partner or a korean language teacher. If you are interested in any of the following, please let us know and send us your contact info.


1. Language exchange: She can help you with your korean and she wants to improve her english conversation skills. Weekdays or weekends. once or twice a week.

2. Free Korean tutoring: He's been helping us with some of our members in studying korean. He speaks english well enough to communicate with you. Weekdays are preferable.

3. Paid private classes for french: She is from Belgium and her first language is french. Her english is basic so you have to push yourself to speak french. Weekdays or weekends.


Best regard,








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