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Dinner and Introduction to Korean Food at Assi Plaza (Another Korean Meetup Group)

From: Daniel
Sent on: Saturday, February 6, 2010, 7:52 PM
*** This event is hosted by a Korean Meetup group in the Northwest Suburbs. Join their group to attend or take advantage of quality language instruction and other opportunities in the NW Burbs (information is provided at the end of this post).

"Hello Everyone,

On this week - I thought it would be a great idea to stop by Assi Plaza in Niles for some quick & simple Korean dinner.

Assi Plaza is not a formal restaurant - it's a supermarket with food court. I thought this place would be a great place to start for someone who is especially new to Korean food. hehe.

If you are afraid of trying new foods - come with me! I will help you find something you'd like. =)

And I will even help you order your food in KOREAN! hehe. How does this sound? Good?"

Assi Plaza
8901 N. Milwaukee Ave
(near Milwaukee and Dempster)
Niles, IL 60714

Insun Chung's Group:
"Want to learn Korean? Let's do it!!! =)"

If you have any questions:

Insun Chung

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