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Greater Louisville/Southern Indiana Libertarian Meetup February[masked]:00 PM

From: Greg H.
Sent on: Sunday, February 8, 2009, 10:20 PM
Greetings Libertarians and liberty lovers,

The next gathering of the Greater Louisville Libertarian Meetup happens this Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 7:00 PM. As always, we meet at Kingfish Restaurants, 601 W Riverside Dr, Jeffersonville, IN 47130. For those of you who are new to this meetup, the Kingfish sits along the Ohio riverfront and is visible to your left from I-65 while coming across the Kennedy Bridge northward.
If you are coming from the north, head south down I-65 and get off at Exit 0 just before the Kennedy Bridge.

We have had several new members join our meetup group this past month, and I encourage each of you to come out and join us this Wednesday. Our meetup consists of Libertarians who are party members as well as those libertarians who are not. Everyone is welcome. Perhaps you are working within the Democrat or Republican parties to move them in a more libertarian direction. Or maybe you are nonpolitical and prefer not to vote or get involved in the political process at all. We are a social meetup, and we welcome all who desire great reductions and/or eliminations in the size and scope of government. Our passion for liberty is our common bond.

The meetup website is at

Our meetup is also posted on the new social network site of the Libertarian Party Of Indiana here:

I hope to see each of you this Wednesday at Kingfish.

Your in liberty,

Greg Hertzsch