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New Portfolio

From: James De F.
Sent on: Saturday, January 24, 2015, 10:36 AM
Hello members,
This is my new Portfolio that I started on January 20 as mentioned in my email on the same day of the purchase prices.  I took time to produce the Excel spreadsheet. I wanted  to get it right, and I may make changes as we go along. You will notice that after 4 days the portfolio is ahead of the S&P by 1.1%. I'me using a 10% trailing stop/loss, but I may add or mix in other stops such as support lines and trend lines. The portfolio is based on a $50,000 investment with a maximum drawdown of $5,000.00  I will keep you abreast of any trades or changes. I will soon write a strategy that will explain in detail what I'm doing. Please let me know of any suggestions or what you think this idea.
James De Franco
To gain access to the portfolio file click::   (You have to be a member) 
Day Traders:  Please join the main group if you wish to participate. Then you can cancel your Day traders membership, so that you don't receive double emails. You will get the same day traders meeting notices on the main web site. This avoids double work on my part. Thank You
James De Franco
Long Island Stock Traders Meetup Group
Plainview NY