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Fwd: [MITT] TSN the perfect stock for a bear market

From: tom l.
Sent on: Saturday, February 27, 2016, 1:23 PM
Note: that our SID signal is not a technical signal even though it appears on a chart. The SID grade combines both fundamental and technical signals to come up with an overall grade for the stock.

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Begin forwarded message:

From: tom lloyd <[address removed]>
Date: February 27, 2016 at 12:57:09 PM EST
To: [address removed]
Subject: [MITT] TSN the perfect stock for a bear market
Reply-To: [address removed]

In order to find winners in a bear market, you need to see what a winner looks like. Here is a link to the example you need to copy-

You can also see this by going to the "Photo" tab of our website. Or to see it constantly updated, live, every minute, go to our 2016 model portfolio/Watchlist stocks at this free link -

Notice the most important factors that make TSN a winner:

1) At the bottom of the chart are our SID grade and Demand/Supply signals that give you the "buy on weakness signal. We have drawn 2 green guidelines up and down the chart so you can see the price to buy at and the other confirming signals.

2) Notice how early the SID grade jumps to a high buy grade, much earlier than the "buy on weakness" signal. By waiting for this signal you have confirmation of the earlier SID buy signal and now it is safer to buy even though the price is higher. You are in for the next big move up.

Disclaimer: We are not investment advisers and we never recommend stocks or securities. Nothing on this website, in our reports and emails or in our meetings is a recommendation to buy or sell any security. You need to do your own due diligence and consult with a professional financial advisor before acting on any information provided on this website or at our meetings. Our meetings and website are for educational purposes only. Any content sent to you is sent out as any newspaper or newsletter, is for educational purposes and never should be taken as a recommendation to buy or sell any security. The use of terms buy, sell or hold are not recommendations to buy sell or hold any security. They are used here strictly for educational purposes. Analysts price targets are educated guesses and can be wrong. Computer systems like ours, using analyst targets therefore can be wrong. Chart buy and sell signals can be wrong and are used by our system which can then be wrong. Therefore you must always do your own due diligence before buying or selling any stock discussed here. We assume no liability for erroneous data or opinions you hear at our meetings and see on this website or its emails and reports. You use this website and our meetings at your own risk.

Disclosure - I have no position in these stocks, but may be long or short anytime in the future.

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