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Wednesday MasterMinds? Last call!

From: Scott Fox, S.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 9, 2017, 4:30 PM


I’m looking forward to seeing YOU tomorrow night.

Why?  It’s our MasterMinds OC Meeting #3!

There’s no better place for you Wednesday night if you'd like to meet fellow entrepreneurs who “get it”.  (But you must have a TICKET - see below...)

Come and "MasterMind" with me and room full of fellow entrepreneurs who can help you with whatever start-up questions are challenging you like:

  • online marketing,
  • software development,
  • SEO,
  • fundraising,
  • niche identification,
  • app development,
  • social media,
  • staffing,
  • product design,
  • strategy,
  • legal,
  • and more...

(Plus, there’s free beer!)

Please note this is a TICKETED event, as usual.

If you have only clicked to RSVP on that is NOT enough to attend.

Get your tickets here now – there are only a few left:

This is the 3rd of our new #MasterMindsOC events and we are close to selling out again.

(There are already 33 RSVPs across the several Meetups where the session is being promoted.)

Instead you MUST please visit Eventbrite to get a ticket here now:

If this is your first event with me, you can attend for free just by clicking to join the email list at the bottom of this email to get a comp code for a free ticket.

Please buy your tickets now and I hope to see you Wednesday evening!  We'll start at 530pm sharp.

Hope to see you!


p.s. If you can't make tomorrow, make sure you join the MasterMinds OC email list. Free updates on future local events are here:

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