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Re: [movies-673] Movies, Message Board, and More!

From: Kyle W.
Sent on: Monday, June 24, 2013, 12:00 PM

Oh, and yes, I have tickets. Ill see you tomorrow?

On Jun 24,[masked]:42 AM, "Libby Pelham" <[address removed]> wrote:
Hello Everyone!

I was thinking about the next movie meetup and have a question...anyone interested in children's movies?  I have to ask because if you've met me, you probably know I have an eight-year-old son.  He's been a cinefile since age 2, so I try to expose him to more than just children films whenever possible.  Lincoln was a major fail though - he was asleep after about 15 minutes and yet he managed to stay awake through all of The Conspirator - go figure!  I never watched children's movies (i.e.Disney) when I was a kid, but the kid movies of today are quite different from when I was growing up.

But, it seems that most of you don't have children or they are grown, so I wasn't sure if anyone else was interested.  Also, because of said eight-year-old and the desire to not wear out our babysitters (my parents), I have to pick and choose my R-rated movies very carefully.  If you see something you want to schedule a meetup for that I haven't, feel free to do that or send me an email and I'll set it up for you.

Secondly, I cleaned the message board.  When I joined, I noticed no one used this.  I know we are a meetup group, but we don't meet up that frequently, we all can't be there at every meetup, and I thought the message board would be a good place to get to know each other in between meetups.  So, feel free to post about upcoming movies you want to see, old favorites - pretty much anything as long as you keep it clean and respectful.

Lastly - anyone else get free tickets for White House Down at Studio on the Square for tomorrow night?


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