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Fwd: french films at Bechtel International Center on Stanford campus

From: Nancy and S.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 2:45 PM
Please do not ask me where this place is located. Use the websites. Thank you!
Nancy and Star

-----Original Message-----
From: janet benson <[address removed]>
To: Janet B sonic <[address removed]>
Sent: Wed, Jan 20,[masked]:31 pm
Subject: french films at Bechtel International Center on Stanford campus

Please do not ask me where this place is located. Use the websites. Thank you!
Thursdays Jan 28 ��� Feb 25
8pm, Assembly Room
Co-sponsored by the Bechtel International Center and the French Stanford Student Association.
Jean-Pierre Jeunet is the popular and critically acclaimed director of films such as Am��lie, Delicatessen, A Very Long Engagement, Alien Resurrection, and City of Lost Children. Jeunet's work exemplifies Europe's engagement with Hollywood, while at the same time making him a figurehead of the critically overlooked, specifically French tradition of the cinema of the fantastic. Having garnered both commercial success and critical esteem in genres such as science fiction, fantasy, romantic comedy, and the war epic, Jeunet's work nevertheless engages with key aspects of French history and contemporary French culture.
January 28 : Am��lie (2001)
February 4 : Delicatessen (1991)
February 11 : Alien: Resurrection (1997)
February 18 : The city of lost children (1995)
February 25 : A very long engagement (2004)
January 28 : Am��lie (2001)
A painfully shy waitress working at a tiny Paris cafe, Am��lie makes a surprising discovery and sees her life drastically changed for the better! From then on, Am��lie dedicates herself to helping others find happiness ... in the most delightfully unexpected way! But will she have the courage to do for herself what she has done for others? Perhaps the most charming movie of all time. Nominated for five Academy Awards including Best Original Screenplay, this magical comedy earned overwhelming acclaim worldwide.
Runtime: 129 min

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