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PVSP Hike tomorrow (Thursday)

From: Keith V.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 29, 2013, 11:32 AM

The weather forecast ( for tomorrow is distinctly warm so bring plenty of water!! We typically finish early- to mid-afternoon. I may shorten the hike and/or adjust the pace if the heat is too bad. We want this to be fun, not an ordeal, and we want to see you on other hikes.

If you're not familiar with the trail head location or face potential traffic delays, allow yourself some extra time and bring a map as we will leave on schedule and don’t want you to be disappointed. MapQuest and others often seriously underestimate travel time so it is unwise to rely on their estimates – add at least 20% to their estimates. If you’re early, take the opportunity to meet and greet your fellow hikers, invariably an interesting and friendly group.

I can email you a pdf map of the immediate area but I need your email address by 10 PM the night before the hike. I must send attachments directly to your email address as the Meetup software won’t let me send attachments through them. Email me if you’re interested in the map. Be aware that your email address will be shown to others receiving the map

If you're bringing a dog, please note that he/she must be on a short leash at all times for his/her safety (mountain bikers, horses, wildlife and other dogs are very real threats), your safety and as a courtesy to others.

For reasons of safety and fairness to others, if you’re planning on bringing a guest indicate this on your RSVP so we can plan properly. Bringing an unexpected guest or showing up without a “Yes” RSVP is a “two-strikes-and-you’re-out” offense, not because we want to be harsh but because unexpected attendees detract from the experience you deserve and undermine the group’s integrity. If your plans have changed and you are not planning on attending, please change your RSVP to “No” so someone can move up from the waiting list.

Please carpool if you can to respect the environment and do what you can to keep the cost of fuel down. If you want to carpool, post a comment to that effect so others will know you are interested and can make mutually agreeable arrangements with you. If no one comments that they want to carpool from a specific location, it is safe to assume there will be no carpool from that location. If someone wants to carpool from Ellicott City, please email me.

We'll have lunch on the trail so bring something to eat and water. Bring your camera and take lots of pictures! Hiking boots are recommended. We’ve had some rain recently but the trails should be in good shape. We do have some modest stream crossings.

I look forward to meeting all of you, especially those of you from previous hikes, for what promises to be an exceptional hike. Email me or post a comment if you have questions.

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