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Tuesday night---Milwaukee REIA General Session: 5 essentials for the Real Estate Investor + BONUSES

From: Dan K.
Sent on: Monday, April 8, 2013, 10:27 AM

Get ready to mix things up at April's meeting!  We're celebrating our 100th meeting!

Click HERE for the VIDEO invitation

- this is going to be a little bit more interactive than many of our meetings, and with your participation, you can all expect to leave with local resources, important tips and better practices.
For starters, Eric Lundberg will be sharing with everyone 5 essential traits of of being a successful real estate investor.  He'll be sharing much from his own experiences (both good and bad) as well as what he's seen from the front of the room over the last 3 1/ 2 years of running the REIA.

  • What's worked?  And why?
  • What hasn't?
  • Where  should an investor focus and what can be completely ignored?

These 5 essentials will play out in all the details as shown in the upcoming Bootcamp on April 26-28, but you can count on getting a few actionable tips to improve your business.

By popular demand, we'll be bringing back our "Phone Dump" series.  We'll share our important team contacts- be it contractors or other service providers.

BONUS- Everyone who registers online for Tuesday's general session will be emailed the list we compile AND our previous list sent out in November.  Even annual members need to register for the event so you are on the mailing list. Register at

Finally, we're going to take our normal networking break and turn it into a breakout, deal making section.  We'll have a chance to analyze a deal in real time and then discuss as a group what it is that we'd do.

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow night April 9th!


Dan Kurszewski