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Montreal Founder Institute Opens Applications for the Winter-Spring 2016 Semester

From: Sergio E.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 2:13 AM

I have some great news - due to a large amount of demand, we have decided to open applications for a Winter-Spring 2016 Semester in Montreal! You can read about the news here:

To celebrate the launch, we have scheduled several more free events (including an event with the Managing Director from Techstars Boston and the CEO of Makerbloks). Check out all the events at

Since launching in Montreal earlier in 2014, the Founder Institute has helped launch over a twenty companies in the region, including some of Canada's fast-rising startups like Heddoko, Hykso, Logrr, MakerBloks, and more. Our efforts in Montreal have also been profiled by high profile media channels, including Techvibes, Radio Canada Television, Les Affaires, Betakit and more.

The Founder Institute is a comprehensive, 4-month entrepreneur training and startup launch program, with chapters in over 100 cities worldwide. In this program, you can start building a business through structured training courses, practical business-building assignments, and expert feedback from a large network of business mentors - without quitting your day job.

Anybody who is interested can apply to the Montreal Founder Institute for free at


- Sergio A. Escobar // Startup Founder 101

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