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NFP Meetup - Fall Fun

From: Tim and Mary Ellen J.
Sent on: Saturday, October 6, 2012, 8:04 PM


Dear NFP Meetup members,

Apples are going fast or are gone!   I called half a dozen farms and got the same report: due to the weather conditions this year, apples were earlier and much fewer.  So – if you want apples, go tomorrow or next week!

We will still have a Meetup with a hayride and some fall fun, but we are going to a different farm because Hillside will not have hayrides on Oct 27.   You are going to love Beriswill Farms.  Lots of activities: dress your own scarecrow, huge corn box (like a sandbox, but filled with corn), a stake maze, a stepping stone math puzzle, an amazing corn maze, animals to pet, corn hole, a hayride, and a pumpkin patch. They also have an area of picnic tables and we can bring our own snacks or buy something from them. There is also a farm market of their produce including beef from their own cows.

Beriswill Farms is in Valley City and it is beautiful. Very clean and the people are very nice.  I took some photos when we checked it out this morning and put them on the meetup site.  I told them we would be bringing a group of wonderful families on Oct 27 and they are looking forward to it!

We have some members working on the next two meetups, a swing dance night in November and Christmas caroling at a nursing home in early December.  Both were favorite meetups from last year.

Listed below are upcoming NFP classes as you may want to be able to refer your friends or relatives to a class and it is nice to know the choices in the near future.  For all of these, you would still tell them to go to to register, so I didn't add phone numbers or addresses here.


10/17/2012  Wed 6 p.m.      Queen of Heaven, Green              Ben & Kay Metzler

10/21/2012  Sun 4 p.m.        St. Clement Church, Navarre       John & Juliann  Roberts

10/22/2012  Mon 6:30 p.m. University Hospitals, Westlake     Tim & Mary Ellen Jakubisin

11/04/2012  Sun 2 p.m.        Heskamp home, Twinsburg          Brian & Kathleen Heskamp

01/27/2013  Sun 2 p.m.        St. Joseph, Randolph                     David & Valerie Rodenbucher

There are some faithful Catholic blogs out there that make good reading. If you have not yet looked at it, you might enjoy Living the Sacrament, a Catholic NFP community.  Here is the link.

Keep in touch!

See you at Beriswill Farms!

Mary Ellen and Tim

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