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Updated Details For Tonight's Dance Party In 230 Fifth's Penthouse Lounge (REAR Elevators, FREE ADMISSION!)

From: Andy T.
Sent on: Friday, November 13, 2015, 11:47 AM

To RSVP & For Complete Details: CLICK HERE!

Hello Everyone:

Tonight’s party will be great!

Here are a few important things to remember:

1) It will be held in 230 FIFTH's main room, the PENTHOUSE LOUNGE, with its own private access to the roof. 230 Fifth is located @ 230 Fifth Ave. between 26th & 27th Streets.

2) When you arrive take the REAR ELEVATORS to the PENTHOUSE LOUNGE. There will be signs & staff to help direct you.

3) If they ask what party you’re there for just mention

4) The Penthouse Lounge will have a dance floor so we’re bringing in DJ Vinnie Campisi who will play all your favorite tunes!

5) The party will “officially” go from 6-11PM but once you’re in you can stay all night. However, our drink specials & my DJ will end @ 11.

6) We’ll feature an Alternative Bellydance show that will start around 8:45 and last for about 30 minutes.

7) We'll have great drink specials including $6 draft beer, $7 red & white wine & $8 well drinks. Please remember that the drink specials are only available in the Penthouse Lounge. Once you get your drink you can take it with you to the roof.

8) Did I mention, Admission is FREE?!

See you there!



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