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NewFinance 2nd Year Anniversary - drinks evening at The Parlour Bar / miiCard News

From: Eddie G.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 1:48 PM
NewFinance 2nd Year Anniversary - drinks evening at The Parlour Bar / miiCard News

Hi Everyone,

1. NewFinance 2nd Year Anniversary - drinks evening at The Parlour Bar – Saturday July 27th

This coming Saturday, July 27th, will be NewFinance's second birthday so we thought we'd plan an informal celebration at The Parlour Bar at Canary Wharf, a very nice bar with a Terrace that backs onto 1 Canada Square. I'd hoped to arrange something more formal but to be honest our Y2 end has been so busy that we've opted for a simple networking and drinks evening, the NewFinance team will all be there, and we hope that you'll be able to drop in and join us too.

I hope to see you there, with any luck the weather will be lovely and so will the Terrace, the link is:

2. miiCard News

·       “The bank of the future will be a hub for identity and security” – an interesting piece published in American Banker yesterday, mentioning miiCard as a good example of identity innovator in this field, you can read it here:

·       Here’s a short interview from Bitcoin London describing how miiCard adds trust to virtual currencies via WebrazziTV:

Enjoy the nice weather (if you’re in London),


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