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This Weekend: Powerful Spiritual Seminars with a Christian Master Teacher

From: Johanna K.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 9, 2011, 10:56 AM

Mother Clare Watts

Christian Master Teacher

November 10 to November 13

Mother Clare Watts is the co-director of a mystical Christian school and Order called the Order of Christ/Sophia. She is an ordained Master Teacher and Priest, holding a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology with post-graduate training in Jungian Analysis, and is a Certified Professional Midwife. She is also the author of Giving Birth to God: A Woman's Path To Enlightenment. Watch her on YouTube.


For more info and to RSVP

The Spiritual Life: A Work in Progress


Many people today are seeking a 'spiritual life' or 'spirituality.' What does a spiritual life entail? How can one come to know if they are making progress in spiritual development? What is the goal of spiritual practices and a spiritual life? Join Mother Clare Watts as she opens the doors of perception to reveal the path from where you are now spiritually, to the heights you have the potential to grow into.


Thursday, November 10, 7:30pm
Suggested Donation $25, Bring a Friend for Free!

Click to RSVP

The Healing Power of Mary, Mother of Jesus


Mother Mary has been revered for ages as the Mother of Jesus Christ, but what has she to do with you and I in today's world? What healing power can we call upon for ourselves, humankind and our planet? How can an ordinary person access Her healing? Join Mother Clare Watts as she reveals Mother Mary's healing power and how it is available to you.



Friday, November 11, 7:30pm
Suggested Donation $25, Bring a Friend for Free!


Click to RSVP



Establishing and Re-establishing Memories with Your God

Have you ever wished to be deeply and truly known, loved, and wanted? What if you could know this experience deep within your own being, where nothing and no one could ever take it from you? With the help of a real spiritual teacher, who already knows this experience of union with God, you can be guided into spiritual experience of your own that brings you to know, without a doubt, the reality of the Presence of God, inside your own self. These experiences become the powerful memories that bind you into a deep, intimate love with God, that bring the peace that passes understanding.


Saturday, November 12, 10am - 2:30pm
Suggested Donation $35, Bring a Friend for Free! (admission includes lunch)


Click to RSVP