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New Meetup: Metal Karaoke Round III

From: Calvin R.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 6:01 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Cleveland Nightlife Meetup Group!

What: Metal Karaoke Round III

When: July 15,[masked]:30 PM

Hi-Fi Concert Club
11729 Detroit Ave
Lakewood, OH 44107

I tried to think of some sort of witty, quirky title-but it is what it is-Metal Karaoke at the Hi-Fi Club.

Why so close to Corky's you ask? Didn't we just do Karaoke you ask?

Yeah, we did. But here is the thing. Metal Karaoke at Hi-Fi club is a whole different deal. You don't hear anyone doing Judas Priest at Corky's and nobody is working through the Partridge Family Songbook at the Hi-Fi Club.

But more importantly, and this is the real reason, I have it on the best authority that Billy Morris has agreed to learn a couple of songs not on their usual Karaoke list by the request of a Nightlife regular so he/she can wow the crowd with their vocal stylings.

Come and see who it is, drink with us, sing with us, just do something other than sit home on a Wednesday night.

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