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Re: [NJLinux] Nickalf..... added a post

From: hv
Sent on: Friday, August 20, 2010, 9:37 AM
joed lopez wrote:
> Any word from Nando about bringing guys in for presentations? 

Well, we will, in theory, have Rob Spectre of Boxee do a presentation
soon. I just emailed him again to see if we can button down a date.

As to other speakers, there are lots, but I did not get the impression
that these were events entirely in keeping with what was most desirable
(from quick comments) for NJ Lug events.

Here are the archives of meetings from NYLug. Probably a useful thing
to do is to look through these and see what is interesting, and see if
we can get some of these folks to come in to NJ.


> If not, I 
> will start looking for people. 

It's always nice to have a larger pool of speakers.

You can also make connections into the NJ ACM speakers,
this is an amazing set of talks, very high profile and interesting
stuff, but is this what you guys want?


Somebody mentioned things like tutorials. Is this what might be
best? Somebody mentioned things like bash tutorials....usually­,
we don't get things like this in NY (because you're kind of expected
to learn bash on your own), but who knows what we can dig up?


> Mike, what was it that you were interested in again, I dont remember, 
> and Nando was the one sharing the list. 
> JL

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