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Culti Newsletter October 12: "The Friendship Zone" and "The Volkswagen Logo"

From: Arjan
Sent on: maandag 12 oktober 2015 16:53


This mail has been sent to around[masked] people in 3 countries which are under the Big Like Button ( under the thumb...) of Our Beloved Holy Leader called "EU". The first part of it, is Fun! In general the mails I sent to groups in the North of our royal tightness "EU" are structured like this: first, easy stuff... Community news.... Tips.... Pictures.... And than....... There is the heavy stuff, which is called the "Friendship Zone" first and the "Free Speech Zone". So this means the Culti Values are all there: Fun, Friends, Freedom! If you dont like heavy stuff, than just stop reading when the fun part is over. So... Here we go :)


Cherry organizes the best trips for the English speaking community in the west of the Netherlands. A lot of expats, long term residents and English speaking locals already know, but.... Do you also remember what the pictures look like? Well, if not, here you go to the Cherry 2015 Photo Album.


Always wanted to see Friesland? Well, lets talk:). If you already wanted to go to Amsterdam for a long time, than maybe do so on October 17? Because that's when the Friends of Culti Group invite everyone who makes it across the door step to The Culti Meetup at De Kroon. Can't wait for Friday? Than maybe meet and mingle with the expats already on Their Friday Drinks Meetup. Maybe, you dont want to a drink only, but a quiz with it? Well, than maybe go to the Leiden Pubquiz on October 20. Sure, you can also go to a Pubquiz in Utrecht on October 19.

Meanwhile, in Brussels, the expats are doing their thing on Friday too. Culti Group isn't a party, we are a Friend Zone. But IF you party, than party with the expats! They are best at it. Plus, thanks to the magic of cosmetica, in all to many cases they have the best looks to!

Meanwhile, in Aachen Culti Group keeps on trying to get things started! The local Meetup Crowd keeps on being way to late, also many people don't show up at all, which means the overlap with what Culti Group is about hasn't been found yet, but... We'll get there :). So do take a look at this meetup without a date. On one hour Train Distance from Aachen, in Düsseldorf, there will be Culti Drinks on saturday 24! And this one WILL fall together! Also in Frankfurt, things are falling together again and again, so that's why the next Culti One in Frankfurt is on October 24.

BTW, in Brussels area and Amsterdam area is going very well indeed! More and more people are calling in the day for Facebook events, noon turns up anyway, and... They go to meetup! Maybe, you want to start a group or help Culti Meetup a bit? Well, just mail, and I will be there :)


Not everything that's said in the Friendzone is fun. If you only want fun? Well, than maybe stop reading right here? ;)











Friendship can be fun, but when the fun is over, most "Friends" are gone. But.... Never - NEVER surrender. Because than, you are losing your most loyal friend - which is you yourselve....

Welcome to the Friendship Zone. The is the zone where everything goes, as long as it is nice - or at least constructive. Friendship isn't free. Sometimes you have to be constructive in stead of free. Sometimes, you just have to SHUT it.

There also is a place called "Free Speech zone". Thats where a best friend calls his friends girlfriend, after he was told the GF isnt the only one. Yes, where friendship is constructive, there freedom is the devil.

That's why the Free Speech zone has been demoted. You can find it below the Friendship Zone. But first.... The things which have to be said ;)


Sorry, dudes, but some of you don't act like Meetup Friends at least. And... it doesn't help. Thursday, some weeks ago, in Culti Meetup Brussels: 21 sign ups, 4 show ups. This really motivates event hosts to keep on doing what they do. This host couldn't be motivated to keep on going anymore. While this was a VERY good one.

Culti Meetup Stuttgart, some weeks back: an event host with a LOT of experience moved to an area where the entire thing is a bit underdeveloped. He opted for Culti Meetup. After the second meetup, he removed EVERYONE that didnt show up. I wont act like that in the Benelux, NRW or Hessen, but.... I do support it in Stuttgart. His events are of a level no one in the south of Germany has ever seen on Meetup, the other groups are kind of empty, so there, we can put our foot down.

Being a bit more strict might get us trough the winter. Removing people a bit faster and a bit more often, for example. Because, we aren't removing people. People can still come to our Bar Meetups. In the bar the venue manager is in charge. Not me. But online? Oeps. Online, I will get a bit more strict. I prefer meeting 30 people that show respect for what we do, over meeting 150 people who don't. But 150 people that DO respect it.... Is the best case scenario! So this remains to be the Culti Aim: connect friendly people.

The current trending topic!


Last winter, I was in Germany for ten days. At certain moment I was waiting for the bus back to the area where my hotel was. This was in Hamburg. While waiting, I noticed two guys were talking in German about issues with Muslims. I had nothing to do but waiting for the bus, so I entered the debate. In my best German. The one talking to the Pegida supporter might have been thankfull, and I was thinking: I have to keep an eye on the road too, I don't want to miss the bus.

Now, after an hour I was still talking to the dude. This dude was smart. His story came down to this one: he didn't want to life in a country where hardly anyone spoke German and where the customs weren't Germanic at all. It wasn't easy for me to find the week spot in his story. This wasn't easy, because there was no week spot. Other than the fact he underestimated the strength of the European way to be Islamic, where he was seeing the Islamification of Europe, there I was seeing the Eurofication of the Islam. We are teaching everyone to think kind of straight. No matter what religion they have. Which is very good news for muslims all over the world, because what these idiots in power in Iran and Saudi Arabia are doing, is downright backwards - and evil too. We WILL winn this one.

But this guy was a smart and good guy, we simply had another opinion about Islam, and it was all OK. The bus, btw, never came. At certain moment I discovered why: on the time tables in Hamburg, "Saturday" starts at mignight. Where on the timetables in Amsterdam, "Saturday" starts at 6AM or so. But... On Saturday, like starting at 00:00, the subways in Hamburg are driving all night! Because of this, the conversation lasted for an hour. At certain moment, I asked the dude why the bus didn't seem to be coming at all. This is where I discovered there is no such thing as "One Europe". Thanks to that, btw. I hope there WONT be a regulation coming down from Brussels about timetables after some burocrat reads this mail. Now, based on this conversation, and based on some other "research" I did, I came to the conclusion that a lot of Germans and Dutchies believe that political Saudi Arabia and politica Iran ARE the Islam. This, of course, is just as true as believing that Trump, Bush and the Clintons ARE America, where really they are just powerhungry freaks. Or the kind of people that know best. Or, in the Hillary case: both. Hillary Rotham knows best, and Hillary Clinton is powerhungry. Both of them will be bad presidents, btw. But a lot less lousy than that Trump dude.

Back to the NL's. Today, I saw what kind of coverage Pediga got after their first and I hope last demonstration in Utrecht. The Dutch national TV station is spreading the lie that Pediga is anti Islam. Where in reality, they are anti Islamification. Also, the words of a guy which did hate speech got spread all over The Netherlands. All this makes me believe that the people in power aren't better than Pegida. They only are less worse - but, yes, a LOT less worse. But thanks to this conversation with this German dude in Hamburg, I can share this much with everyone anyway: the ones who have time for it, need to talk to these dudes anyway. This is called "Organizing the opposition".

BTW, the hatespeech which took away the attention from the more moderate part of Pegida came down to this: "A lot of Muslims have a mental ilness because of inbreed". Tsja. What can I say? Its true that in some backwarded cultures a lot of people marry their family. This is because money needs to be paid for a bride. And people want to help their friends... And family. So, one family buys a woman from another family which happens to be family. It does happen, yes. But this insane custom, which is the real problem, is not Islamic. (It most certainly isn't Islamic amongst modern Muslims). Plus this very bad custom also exists outside the Islam.

But, yes, both the bible and the Curan do NOT take a firm stand against this. Not that I know, that is. This might be because these books were written a LONG time ago? Plus... Should be understood as poetry a lot more than as a manual for how to life once life? Tsja. But the bottomline is: I have no clear idea how to get a firm grip on the right radical movement, but I do know this much: we need to stand ABOVE it. And what the Dutch national TV did today ( which is spreading lies about Pegida) comes down to addapting to the level of hate speech. I HOPE these national TV dudes know what they are doing. But.... I'm not convinced.

Thanks for reading the friends zone


"Free speech" is a like a dark angel - she CAN help you, but only if you lock her up in a place where you can find her, whenever you need her. And she WILL be there for you. If not? Than, she's dark, without being an angel. And if you let her fly and be FREE? Than, she will change into a monster. A monster which takes your soul away.











I stopped using the Free Speech Zone myself. For other stuff than dumping some bar banter I wrote. This is because I discovered "Free Speech" comes from the devil. It cuts like a knive. Yes, If you want to destroy a nation, than you give it 100% Free Speech. If you want to devide the people in a nation, than you give them 99%. But.... Who is in charge of what is that 1%? Well, not me. That's why Culti Group has decided to put Free Speech in a pocket. Some links can be found at the bottom of this mail. The limit is: whatever is legal at Meetup Head Quarters, in New York. This are the American limits for Free Speech. But I wont use the Free Speech zone anymore for other stuff than dumping bar banter. Because I believe there is to much space for Free Speech in the States, and... I wonder why. Maybe like this, the circle of hate can go on? Maybe, your freedom of speech is.... A slow genocide?

Free speech in the bar is all OK, but on national TV? Well.... That's not all OK.


Sometimes, I write a story which gets out of the hand all the way. For those who like a good laugh, or who can see through things, or whatever, I am publishing this stuff anyway, and I will also explain what's wrong with it.


Writing stories is a hobby of mine. Others watch TV on a lazy day. I write a story. Tsja. After writing this story about Volkswagen, I took another look at some articles on one of the many topics which passed by in the story. I discovered that one of my takes, the opinion in which I believed the Germanic tribes defeated the Roman empire, might be wrong. Because other than in my mind, it more or less only existed in the minds of extreme right people. This makes one think. Or better said: it makes you check more sources. I looked at history, because the Nazi backgrounds of Volkswagen are related to Germanic nationalism. ( The very fast Volkswagen was an Adolf Hitler idea. Porsche wanted a "fast enough" one only. )

Now the TRUTH is that to some extend romanized Germanic people walked all over the western and central part of the Roman empire, but only after they have been lifing inside that empire for some centuries. Also, in the first century, in the same decades when Jezus was doing his thing in Israël/Palestina, the Germanic tribes managed to winn a war, but by not losing it only. And one tribe, the Frisian one, managed to winn a war versus the Roman empire with a hit and run strategy. But this was a defensive war only. It also marked the end of the Roman agression versus around 75% of historical Germania.

The real story is this one: after some decades with many many wars, and peace later, the Romans started playing devide and rule on the Germanic people. They removed some Celtic tribes from Brabant and Belgium and so, and allowed Germanic tribes of which they discovered the hard way that these blokes were damned good warriors, to replace the Celts. But the condition was: these Germanic tribes had to defend the borders of the Roman empire. As a result, for example the population of Friesland dropped down big time. The not Roman part of ancient Germania for some centuries was a not really overcrowded and hard to concer part of Europe, so the Romans changed the plan. Not because they wanted too ( what they wanted is to walk to the Elbe) but because they had limited resources. Like all of us.

But what the extreme right makes out of it, is this: the ancient Germanic tribes weren't unducated fools, but they simply were superior to the the Roman empire. This take is bollocks. After reading a bit more on all of it, I came to the conclusion that the main reason why the Roman empire ended up losing the wars versus Germanic people, most likely is because empires in general simply don't last. At certain moment they have a lot of weak spots on the inside. Than, it becomes to be like a big building with a rotten foundation. Than, the first storm to be will knock the building down. Ancient empires had no idea aabout all this. These days the US and the EU are starting to get it, but just a bit. But the ancient Romans? Neh. They were good students - but students only.

Small, mono cultural nations with an open mindset are the most succesfull ones - and the only thing empires do is feeding on these small nations. And if an empire winns? Than at certain moment the small nations are all sucked empty, and than the empire falls apart from the inside. It happened to the USSR, it happened to Nazi Germany and it happened to the Roman empire. And it might be happening to the US right now. A multinational state, federation or empire can only survive if they make certain there is as little central power as needed. Because only people with bad intentions or bad idea's want a lot of central power. There is no need for lots of central power - not in Europe, not in India, not in China and not in the States. The only people who need it, are the kind of people who life like giant parasites.

To find the right balance in between central power and regional power, btw, is NOT easy. And these days, it's not just Brussels, Bejing and Washington where to much central power is located. Also multinationals have WAY to much power, it's getting more and more complicated to take these central powers down. But sometimes, I forget there is an enemy amongst us.... One of the tools people who believe decentral small scaled cultural nationalism is the best way forward use, is my kind of nationalism. The cultural kind. But there also are a lot of people who are nationalistic in another way. And if one discovers that you came to the same conclusions as these people, than, tsja than, a story gets published in the Free Speech Zone, in stead of in the Friends Zone. This story about Volkswagen, btw, does contain some interesting facts. For example the fact that it indeed was Adolf Hitler who created the Volkswagen concept. The story explains how Hilter fooled people into believing they would get cars, where in reality the money the people have spend on contracts, was used to make cars for the army. Another interesting fact is: the huge simularity in between the Volkswagen Logo and the SS Logo.

But I do feel like some hate speech entered the arena here.... I know why: I have watched to much opiniated Dutch stuff about the second world war when I was young. But also: the way in which the Volkswagen CEO in the states tried to escape from being sent to the jailhouse for a LONG time, with saying "I didn't know!" DID bring back lots of images from the past. But my talk is on the edge of hatespeech anyway, because in reality the thing that is wrong these days, is the fact that business matters a lot more than people. A LOT. Than, to see simularitees with the past MIGHT be nothing but me seeing what I have been told to see at school. But also, maybe indeed, there IS something wrong with the Volkswagen culture indeed. On top of the usual crap we are seeing in the car industry all over the world anyway. Because the Volkswagen Logo DOES look like the SS Logo a bit to much. LINK TO THE ENTIRE STORY=> LINK.


I am pretty certain a lot is wrong with this story too. That's why it didn't make it to the Friendzone, and that's why I have dumped it in the Free Speech Zone. I wrote this story already a week ago, so to be frank: I do remember the main thing I wanted to share, but also I am pretty certain that this story does not really support my main priority, which is doing the right thing concerning maintaining and growong the the best cluster of Meetups groups on the mainland of Europe. LINK.


I am using the word "Spitter" a lot. This is because "Twitter" is one of the many examples of website with to much freedom of speech. We should have freedom of speech during bar banter, in pocketed corners, in the private space (unless we intend to go viral with it) and so on.... But Freedom of Speech as a response to statements of celibritees who want retweets, no matter what these retweeters say? Well.. Neh. That's just "Spitter" to me. And yes, at the end of the day "Free Speech" really is "Free Scream". But still, there should be a place for it, and this is this are the places in Culti Group.

Culti Meetup Friesland => LINK

Culti Meetup Utrecht Area => LINK

Culti Amsterdam Area => LINK

Culti The Hague / Leiden / Rotterdam area => LINK

Culti Meetup Brussels Area => LINK

Culti Meetup Eindhoven Area => LINK

Culti Meetup Aachen and Zuid Limburg => LINK

Culti Meetup Essen, Düsseldorf and Köln => LINK

Culti Meetup Frankfurt Area => LINK