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Culti Newsletter October 20: "The Culti Touch"

From: Arjan
Sent on: dinsdag 20 oktober 2015 15:22


This mail has been sent to around[masked] people in 3 EUC's ( European Union Countries).The first part of it, is Fun! In general the mails I sent to people in some of the EUC's are structured like this: first, easy stuff... Community news.... Tips.... Pictures.... And than....... There is the heavy stuff, which is called the "Friendship Zone" first and the "Free Speech Zone" second. So this means the Culti Values are all there: Fun, Friends, Freedom! If you dont like heavy stuff, than just stop reading when the fun part is over.

I didn't edit all this very well, no time, sorry..... It's already tuesday, that's why.


On one Culti Group doesn't really care about all these Düsselfdorf / Köln talk in NRW and all the Amsterdam / Rotterdam talk in The west of the NL's.... The thing I care about is the absence of this kind of silly talk in Berlin. But on the other hand... This come down to Berlin / Randstad talk ;). So I will just talk about Amsterdam for no other reasons than that's where I am at most of the time.

Amsterdam is one of the kitchens of culture. Its where the new lifestyles start to exist. Last Saturday, In Culti Group, In Amsterdam...... A group of New People met.... Party from 9 to 12... Take the last tram... Hardly any booz...... Women with style...... ...... No one trying to get all attention...... Everyone sharing fun and just fun...... No vitamine tablets to be seen... It was good! But ..... It was just once. It will happen again.... But in a different way. Culti Group wont try to plan things like this. Because.... It HAS to be spontaneous :).

See all the pictures right HERE.


Maybe, you dont want to a drink only, but a quiz with it? Well, than maybe go to the Leiden Pubquiz on November 10. There also are other ways to have fun and meet new people. For example, a just drinks event in Utrecht on November 6.

Also, a very nice event is coming up in Amsterdam, at club Abe, on October 28. The code word for this one is: Halloween!

Meanwhile, in Brussels, the first HGB DRINKS are coming up. And no, this is not a new drug from the party scene. In fact, its promotion for the kind of lifestyle that is free of chemical drugs - and which comes from the inside. I could write a LONG story about this... But leaving the empty spirit of the recent past behind us, and looking for higher grounds, is something which just needs to be DONE. So.... We are doing it :)

Meanwhile, in Aachen Culti Group keeps on trying to get things started! The local Meetup Crowd keeps on being way to late, also many people don't show up at all, which means the overlap with what Culti Group is about hasn't been found yet, but... We'll get there :). So do take a look at this meetup without a date. On one hour Train Distance from Aachen, in Düsseldorf, there will be Culti Drinks on saturday 24! And this one WILL fall together! Also in Frankfurt, things are falling together again and again, so that's why the next Culti One in Frankfurt is on October 24.

BTW, in Brussels area and Amsterdam area is going very well indeed! More and more people are calling in the day for Facebook events. On FB, everyone of no one turns up.... Its a website for the Lemming Lifestyle. So what do the ones who are looking for higher grounds do? Well... They go to meetup!


A bloke from the UK or so decided to show he is willing to do A N Y T H I N G to collect money for the fight against Diabates. He decided to listen to Rick Ashley his song "Never Gonna Give you up". For 75 hours!!! This where the Original is a song from hell. But you can listen to a kind of OK copy right HERE. And you can read more HERE. ( Frisian).


Not everything that's said in the Friendzone is fun. If you only want fun? Well, than maybe stop reading right here? ;)











Friendship can be fun, but when the fun is over, most "Friends" are gone. But.... Never - NEVER surrender. Because than, you are losing your most loyal friend - which is you yourselve....

Welcome to the Friendship Zone. The is the zone where everything goes, as long as it is nice - or at least constructive. Friendship isn't free. Sometimes you have to be constructive in stead of free. Sometimes, you just have to SHUT it.


Sorry, dudes, but some of you don't act like Meetup Friends at least. Last Saturday in Amsterdam: 28 sign ups. Around 10 No Shows. 2 or 3 is normal, if everyone has a serious attention to indeed respect the effort organizers and event hosts are making. 5.... OK. On a drinks meetup, that is. On Dinners "No Shows" are 100% Not Done. But last saturday, aroudn 35% of the people just stayed away. That's to much. So 3 people were marked "No Show" and one person has been removed from the group. This person will be welcomed back, if he asks that is.

Thanks for reading the friends zone


"Free speech" is a like a dark angel - she CAN help you, but only if you lock her up in a place where you can find her, whenever you need her. And she WILL be there for you. If not? Than, she's dark, without being an angel. And if you let her fly and be FREE? Than, she will change into a monster. A monster which takes your soul away.











I stopped using the Free Speech Zone myself. For other stuff than dumping some bar banter I wrote. This is because I discovered "Free Speech" comes from the devil. It cuts like a knive. Yes, If you want to destroy a nation, than you give it 100% Free Speech. If you want to devide the people in a nation, than you give them 99%.

But.... Who is in charge of what is that 1%? Well, not me. That's why Culti Group has decided to put Free Speech in a pocket. Free speech in the bar is all OK, but on national TV? Well.... That's not all OK.


Sometimes, I write a story which gets out of the hand all the way. For those who like a good laugh, or who can see through things, or whatever, I am publishing this stuff anyway. Some Bar Banter is better Bar Banter than other. Please understand my text as "Just Stories". A lot more than anything else, it has to be a nice read. It needs to sent out a certain vibe. And that's all. BTW, I am trying to move from opinions to stories more and more. Please give it some time :)



Last week, while still being kind of concerned about the ongoing mass migration, I wrote just another story. Which, looking back now, to some extend is just bar banter. But, what else is new? It might be GOOD Bar Banter at times - but it still is bar banter. There also was one scary aspect in this last story I wrote: it was written before a succesfull female politician was stabbed with a knive by one of the "economisch onredebalen". And in the bar banter I wrote, I warned for the fact these things would happen in Germany and maybe also in Sweden, and why. It was kind of strange to say the least, to see it happen the next day indeed.

Pegida supporters from Dresden. "After the DDR, there is a new dictatorship: the democracy"

In Germany, the system is designed in such a way that new political movements can't get into the system when they are still small. This causes the existence of rebel movements on the streets. There were good reasons for creating this German demoratic deficit back in 1949 or so. When the BRD (German Federation) was the occupied "West Germany" only. But these days, to more and more people this "democracy" feels like a political overcorrect dictatorship of a backwarded mayority. Lots of people are obsessed about keeping nationalism outside democracy. Which is backwarded. True nations unite people. A thing the EU will never be able to do. What is needed, is removing BOTH the misleading kinds of nationalism AND the Pro European spirit out of politics. The EU can only solve very big problems. So, solving big problems is all they should do. Let the people run all problems which aren't very big themselves, in their own cultural context.

Europe is a continent, it's not a nation. So why let the Neo Liberal nation of people act as if Europe is a nation? It's just an international and supra national federation-light of some European nation states and some European multi national states. Or, at least, it should be. If people don't like their own nation, than just change it or leave it. Or wait for a better day. Tsja.

In Germany, nationalistic movements are crushed before they can survive their babysteps. One HAS to be pro EU. National TV, big papers and leading politicians are crushing the kind of opposition they don't want. Like this, what is a small and fanatical minority today, can't change into a moderate mayority later on. And this is undemocratic indeed. But no matter what one does, todays losers will be tomorrows winners anyway. And it never is current elite that picks the next winners. Its the next winners that replace the current elite.

These days, one is considered to be a loser if one doesn't have new clothes, if one doesn't follow fashion trends, if one doesn't have a very serious income, and so on... But to me this way to be is wrong. I am in the opininion its a bad thing that fashion matters more than doing the right thing. And its strange to see that the kind of people who follow fashion BIG time, are very fanatical volenteers right now. This are people who are looking for compensation, as far as it concerns a lof of the fashion followers who also are volenteers, that is. I don't want all this. If these on the outside succesfull people is what winners look like and act like, than I prefer to be a loser. Sometimes its better to be a happy loser, in stead of an unhappy winner. A lot of these fashion followers are happy with their outside, are focussed on their outside, and therefor ARE the outside only. Which makes people feel empty inside. Which makes them unhappy. Which makes them buy clothes.

At certain moment the new fashion will be: anti fashion. Than for me there is space to come back stronger. So, yes indeed, todays loser are tmrws winners - and if you let todays losers make their case, than tmrw, when they winn, they will let you make your case. Nice clothes isn't the problem - they need for new nice clothes all the time is the problem.

Thanks for reading, and here is more bar banter with some words on "THE REFUGEE CRISES AND THE EXPAT BUBBLE"





I am using the word "Spitter" a lot. This is because "Twitter" is one of the many examples of website with to much freedom of speech. We should have freedom of speech during bar banter, in pocketed corners, in the private space (unless we intend to go viral with it) and so on.... But Freedom of Speech as a response to statements of celibritees who want retweets, no matter what these retweeters say? Well.. Neh. That's just "Spitter" to me. And yes, at the end of the day "Free Speech" really is "Free Scream". But still, there should be a place for it, and this is this are the places in Culti Group.

Culti Meetup Friesland => LINK

Culti Meetup Utrecht Area => LINK

Culti Amsterdam Area => LINK

Culti The Hague / Leiden / Rotterdam area => LINK

Culti Meetup Brussels Area => LINK

Culti Meetup Eindhoven Area => LINK

Culti Meetup Aachen and Zuid Limburg => LINK

Culti Meetup Essen, Düsseldorf and Köln => LINK

Culti Meetup Frankfurt Area => LINK

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