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September's Monthly Photo Album: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

From: Reuben G. M.
Sent on: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 11:50 PM

Greetings Fellow Members,

We are excited to announce the return of our Monthly Photo Albums. These are Photo Albums on our web site where our members can post any of their images for display of that topic.  Each month's theme will be of a different topic or category.

We have created the new Monthly Photo Album category for the month of September.  This month's Photo Album Theme is called "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles".  Our Members are free to upload images into this Album of this particular topic.  This topic should give you the opportunity to go out and capture some beautiful images or display images that you have already taken.

Here is the link to this month's photo album...

Please feel free to post comments and request for critiques.

*** As our standard procedure, here are a few simple rules that we would like for you to adhere to...

* Members are asked to post ONLY 3 IMAGES into this Gallery per month!

* ABSOLUTELY NO images of nudity, sexually implied, or acts of illegal or immoral activity.

* Images must be your own photographed images.

* Images do not have to be recent or from a club event.

( We will reserve the right to remove any image(s) that does not meet our criteria or conform to the Terms and Conditions of

Good Luck and have fun!

Reuben G. Mendiola




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