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Re: [NY-Jets-Fans-in-Phoenix] The JETS are coming! The JETS are coming!

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, May 30, 2016, 6:11 PM
Hi Liam:
October 15th is a SATURDAY. Monday is the 17th.
Dan Murphy
In a message dated 5/30/2016 2:05:13 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [address removed] writes:
Plan 2 for me (with 2 tickets).
Joe Short
In a message dated 5/28/2016 1:19:47 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [address removed] writes:

Yes it is true ... Monday night Oct.15 they are in town to play the Cardinals. Tommy & I are putting together 3 plans for the fans.


An all day special at Tim Finnegan's to watch NFL games with drink & food specials. Special raffle drawings (wear your JETS gear). Rumor has it a special "Fireman" might be in attendance.

Plan 2 - Attend the Game

We have plans for a block of 50 tickets to sit together at the game. A pre-game festivity at Tim Finnegan's. Bus ride to the stadium. Parking lot tailgate with beer & cookout. Arrive back by bus for a post game celebration.

Plan 3 - Watch the game at Tim Finnegan's

For those that can not attend the game we will have a full viewing party with drink & food specials. When the bus returns from the game we can continue with those fans.

If you are interested in attending any of these events let me know ... especially plan 2 as details and pricing are being ironed out and you will need to reserve and pay for tickets.

Should be a grand celebration to have our team in Arizona!


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