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New Meetup: D&D Meetup Brooklyn @ KG

From: Wackywizard
Sent on: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 12:24 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The NYC Dungeons & Dragons Meetup Group!

What: D&D Meetup Brooklyn @ KG

When: August 16,[masked]:00 PM

Kings Games
1685 E 15th St Apt., suite, floor number, etc.
Brooklyn, NY 11229

Whether you're a newbie wanting to know more, an experienced player looking for a regular game, a DM on the look out for new players, or you fancy playing a fun one-shot adventure on a Sunday afternoon, this meetup will be place to be?! Expect to come and play from noon to 5pm. We'll teach you everything you need to know and supply all the dice etc. All you need to bring is imagination!

It takes 34 minutes to get to the location on the Q train from Union Square. The B train doesn't run on weekends.

Rules for the meetup:
This location does not allow outside food. They sell snacks though.

If you're new: You might not get a spot to play unless you read the rules! Please read the "How It Works" on the message board.

If you're a DM: RSVP and describe the game you want to run on this meetup's page. List how many players you will take. Say what is expected of players (make characters, etc).

Players: RSVP and give a preference to what DM's game you would like to play in, or if you'd just like to hang out, state that. At the meetup, spots at gaming tables will be held 30 min. for the first X people who RSVP'd. If you RSVP with a specific DM's name you will get preference for that DM's game over a generic RSVP.

Wackwizard (5 spots, 5 open) RSVPs->

Learn more here: