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Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

From: Sally
Sent on: Monday, November 5, 2012, 4:48 AM

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Hello Photographers!


I hope you are all safe and sound after this past week.

Hurricane Sandy was a tropical cyclone that devastated areas of the Caribbean, Mid-Atlantic, Northeastern United States, and Eastern Canada. Thousands of people - including families with small children throughout New York and New Jersey still have no power, no heat, no food, no water -- or no longer have a home.

I donated bags of gently used clothing, shoes & canned food and volunteered at a shelter in Queens.  It was filled with mostly the elderly and the disabled -- definitely an overwhelming experience for me. The days and nights are now getting colder. If you are able to spare any of your free time, please visit your local shelter to volunteer or donate whatever you can spare to those who need it the most.


Stay safe and take care,




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