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New Meetup: Cardinals at Dodgers - NLDS

From: Julia
Sent on: Monday, October 5, 2009, 9:28 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The New York St. Louis Cardinals Meetup Group!

What: Cardinals at Dodgers - NLDS

When: October 7,[masked]:30 PM

Mudville 9
126 Chambers St
New York, NY 10007

Hi Everyone

Hooray, playoff time!

Since Standings isn't quite the right size for our usual playoff crowds, we're relocating. The first place we will be trying is Mudville 9 Saloon, which is pretty far downtown (the address is 126 Chambers, near the Chambers 1,2,3,A, and C trains), but we've got some nice specials for the occasion (thanks to an intrepid cards fan who called them and asked them -- not me, btw). If we don't like it there, we can always relocate, but this sounds fine to me.

They're as follows:

-- $12, 64 oz. Bud/Bud light pitchers (about $2.50 a beer)
-- A deal for 6 people for 2hrs: $25 per person for all you can drink of Bud or Bud Light and all you can eat wings and fries.

Everyone, please tell your Cards fan friends if you have any who aren't on this group!

Here's the facebook event link, if you prefer:

Go Cards,

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