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Martin Semmelrogge - Das Leben ist eine Achterbahn

From: Amy S
Sent on: Thursday, August 12, 2010, 9:50 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The New York City German Language Meetup Group!

What: Martin Semmelrogge - Das Leben ist eine Achterbahn

When: Tuesday, September 7,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Deutsches Haus
42 Washington Mews
New York, NY 10003

Semmelrogge's Achterbahn
Tuesday, September 7 - 6.30 PM

"Life is a roller coaster", says Martin Semmelrogge - and he would know. One of Germany's most prolific actors, he starred in "Das Boot" and "Schindler�s List", innumerous TV productions, and has been in trouble with authorities, too. Enormous success in Germany, good times in Hollywood, and DUI's, Semmelrogge has been there and he wrote about it in his auto biography "Das Leben ist eine Achterbahn." He will read excerpts in German and English, supported by Swiss-American guitar player Roman Elsener.

Deutsches Haus at NYU
42 Washington Mews

You must RSVP with Deutsches Haus to attend!
[address removed]

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