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Re: Tarot Reading Class on Halloween Day

From: Rev. Tiffany M.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 4:30 AM
Oops!  I've attached the flier!

--- On Wed, 10/28/09, Tiffany Moon <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Tiffany Moon <[address removed]>
Subject: Tarot Reading Class on Halloween Day
To: [address removed]
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 4:27 AM

Please join me for some introductory Tarot reading on Halloween day! 

Two, one-hour classes will be held at the Carmel Mountain Ranch Borders Bookstore beginning at
12:00 PM on Halloween day.  Please see attachment for details, and call to reserve!

Happy Halloween!

Tiffany D. Moon
Institute of Arts and Letters
San Diego, CA

Hours of Operation
Instruction: 10:00-8:00PM Sunday-Tuesday
Administration: 12:00-8:00PM Wednesday
Special Engagement: By Appointment Only


Divination 101:

Tarot Reading for the Non-psychic


Course Description:                                   

This one-hour course will provide the student with a basic historic knowledge of the Tarot and methods of reading various decks.  The student will read one spread in practicum.  


Course Schedule:   HALLOWEEN DAY, October 31

1.   12:00-1:00 PM

2.   1:00-2:00 PM

3.   3:00-4:00 PM



1.   Borders Books                                                    

2.   Borders Books

3.   Carmel Trails (Residents Only)


Required materials:                                                                                              

deck of Tarot or playing cards, pencil and notepaper 



None.  All ages AND SKILL LEVELS welcome!



Donation of $10 per adult and $5 per child



Please call (858)[masked] for information and to reserve

This email message originally included an attachment.