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Fashion/Beauty Lighting Workshop, January 21st, West Hollywood

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 20, 2011, 5:02 PM
Fashion/Beauty Lighting Workshop
Saturday, January 21st, 2012

Melrose Lightspace Studio presents, a one day hands on, fashion and beauty
lighting workshop for the photographer who wants to move beyond the limitations
of available light and on camera flash and into the world of professional studio
lighting. You'll learn how to work with the tools and techniques used by top fashion
and beauty photographers to create today's fashion spreads and advertising
campaigns. You'll learn by doing, guided by our experienced team and at the end
of the day, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to create consistently
high quality, fashion, glamour and beauty images. We've booked three stunning,
agency represented models, scroll down to see their pictures.

S C R O L L   D O W N   F O R   M O D E L   P I C S

What people are saying about Melrose Lightspace workshops...

"This workshop was great! I learned a lot and gained much
 more confidence with my photography and lighting. Thanks!"
 -Robb A.

"This workshop was much more than I expected. Not only did
they offer multi-lighting setups and situations, but he  explained
in a practical way "How" the lighting is best used  and "Why" it is
used this way for the best outcome."
 -Jeff H.

"I wanted to thank you for the workshop today. Keeping the class
 size small really allowed  for more hands on participation without
  lengthy delays for anyone. The models were top notch and the whole  
 atmosphere was upbeat and positive"
 -Karen M.



Models for this workshop