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PDA News

From: Ronald T.
Sent on: Friday, April 24, 2009, 6:57 PM
Photo Ops:

As many of you know, I am a very big lover of our states' beauty and natural resources. That's why I would like to apologize for not setting up a meetup for you to capture the often overlooked natural beauty located ion our state.I would liked to have taken you all out to either Death Valley, Antelope Valley, the California Poppy Reserve, so you can see the state at its best.

The wildflowers that bloom in February and March are something to see, and not to be taken for granted. Wildflowers can even transform a vacant lot just by their presence. During this time I usually go out and capture images of wildflowers. I'm amazed by them showing up in the most unusual places, so you can see how our land will try and revive itself by poking out these beauties called poppies. If you have looked at some of the images from this time last yea. I asked all of you to look around and capture images of our states? most productive time for growth.

This link, that I have supplied to you, will give you a chance to go out and possibly view some of the blossoms that are still blooming during this time. If you go please upload your images to our site. Also for others who want to capture the wildflowers in the city of Los Angeles.

New items in photography:

I do love that many of you have understood the importance of creating your own markets, and producing your own products. Looking at many of the e-mails that I have received with links to our member?s sites, I have come across many new products. For sure we do not have Photophobia, and can get the job done when needed.

The Winner of the Name Your Dream Assignment
Picture Hope by Shutter Sisters, Jen Lemen and Stephanie Roberts
The Shutter Sisters will receive $50,000, to help them live out their dream assignment. The pair will also receive a Lenovo ThinkPad W700ds with Windows Vista and a video camcorder so they can document their dream assignment for everyone to watch and follow. Congratulations to the Shutter Sisters for winning the grand prize and having the opportunity to live out the assignment of their dreams.

Ted Talks,
Rob Forbes, the founder of Design Within Reach, shows a gallery of snapshots that inform his way of seeing the world. Charming juxtapositions, found art, urban patterns -- this slideshow will open your eyes to the world around you.

Nathaniel Kahn shares clips from his documentary "My Architect," about his quest to understand his father, the legendary architect Louis Kahn. It's a film with meaning to anyone who seeks to understand the relationship between art and love.

The Olympus-E-620 camera, is a great backup camera. Read the review

Cameras can start some very unusual trends. New Russian Girls Photo Trend

A federal appeals court in New York has affirmed a $157,000 judgment in a lost slide case, rejecting arguments from the owner of the lost images that the judgment was too low.

The Getty plus Times equal

The Eddie Adams Story opens soon in Los Angeles

Useful tip and fun facts:

National Association of Professional Child Photographers

The ?Key? to a Photograph from Ansel Adams?Rare, Unreleased Footage[masked]_cEmd5

When the media steals your photos