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PDA Thanks

From: Ronald T.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 12:07 AM
I hope this was a very memorable Memorial Day for all. For those of you who have lost a loved one, for those of you who have a loved one in harms way, for those of you who have a loved one who reports the goings on by way of photojournalism, we appreciate all the sacrifices that were made on our behave.

We appreciated all of you who helped make the collaboration with Skid Row photography group's vision, by having photographers come out and participate in capturing the beauty and strength of women on Skid Row.

Michael Blaze, who was motivated to put this event on, has sent a very nice thank you, to the members that participated. Michael Blaze also sent us a video of some of those who took part in this event.

Many are you, are working on projects that would be of interest to the membership. Please e-mail me your information that you would like to be passed on, to inform others of your accomplishments in the field of photography.

I like to take this time and point out one of our members who has worked on a personal project of his own. Lawrence, an assistant organizer for our group, has taken the time to bring us some interesting facts about our local mountains.

By hiking his way into the mountains (without clear directions) was able to find the ruins of a Nazi bunker, along with the ruins, where the likes of Charlie Manson, and other famous individuals used to hang out.

Here is his story: "A filmmaker friend sent me this story and I was completely fascinated. This is not your typical story and it takes place here in L.A. and it's of historical importance.The story involves, Nazi's, Charles Manson, Dennis Wilson (One of the Beach Boys), Frank Lloyd Wright, etc. It's a bit of read, however, I was so captivated that I decided to search for it and did so the other day. It took some time to find it as Topanga Canyon had made "new" maps and decided to leave it out. I documented the whole thing...

I even caught myself a rattle snake!"


We are very happy the snake did not catch him.
