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New Event: Morning Workouts at Santa Anita

From: Beth
Sent on: Thursday, April 19, 2007, 3:36 PM
Announcing a new event for Photographers and Digital Artist of Los Angeles!

What: Morning Workouts at Santa Anita

When: Saturday, April 21, 7:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: The morning workouts at Santa Anita take place from 5:00 AM until 9:30 AM almost every day during racing season. This will be the last weekend for the current season.

No tripods. All photography is for personal use only.

Tram tours (free) of the stables start at 8:30 AM and again at 9:30 AM.

Complete breakfasts are served from 7:30 AM and Continental breakfasts are available starting at 5:30 AM. Prices are reasonable.

We'll meet at Clocker's Corner -- look for other people with cameras! I plan to be there at 7 AM, but feel free to arrive earlier if you'd like.

Admission is free until the gates open. The parking entrance is through Gate 8, off Baldwin Avenue. Please be mindful of employee parking areas and handicap spaces. Clocker's Corner is on the left end of the grandstand as you face the track from the parking lot. If you can't find it, ask someone who works there -- they are very helpful and friendly.

Learn more here: