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Re: [webdesign-501] Follow-up to web design meetup

From: Greg H.
Sent on: Friday, October 10, 2008, 1:09 PM
Thanks for the follow up on these great resources, Dan.?

To everyone who attended last night's event, thanks for a great meetup. We touched on a wide variety of topics, made some valuable contacts, and had a lot of fun.

Some of the other topics/links that were mentioned last night:

Everyone seemed to express a keen interest in attending some industry-related events as a group, and/or incorporating a bit more structure to our future meetups. Nedra, Lonnie, and I are brainstorming on some agenda ideas and will "run it up the flagpole" once we have a clearer vision. Meantime, be thinking about some to the topics you'd be interested in hearing more about.

Thanks everyone and see up at the next meeting.

Greg Hyatt

Greg Hyatt Design

On Oct 9, 2008, at 9:18 PM, Dan O'Brien Muzyka wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Great meeting some of you and seeing some of you again!

I wanted to let you know about a few of the other groups/events that I mentioned at the meeting tonight.

  • Dev Group NW organizes free presentations every now and then. This is the group run by Hot Pepper Studios, one of the organizers of the WebVisions Conference.?
  • Next week ISITE Design is putting on a seminar next week called Love@First Website. Registration deadline is tomorrow (Friday).
  • A new group that has monthly web design presenatations is Refresh Portland. I haven't made it to either of their first two events, but I'm looking forward to going next month.
  • For those of you who want a robust content management system, there is the monthly Portland Drupal Users Group. These meetings have a combination of designers and developers. It has always been a good learning experience for me to attend these meetings.
  • I have heard about the PHP User Group but have never been to it myself. Maybe it's time to start going.
Please share if you know of any other good web design-related groups in town.

I hope this group can meet on a monthly basis and provide a combination of socializing/networking and opportunities for us to teach each other and share skills. maybe people could post to the group when they run across difficult problems and would like some help brainstorming how to do something.

Thanks all!

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