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Re: [netsquared-16] Last Reminder about the Social Web Sampler (and topics update)

From: user 5.
Sent on: Monday, February 6, 2012, 3:24 PM
Hey Seth, 

This looks great :-)

Katie Krauss

On Feb 6, 2012, at 2:20 PM, Seth Horwitz <[address removed]> wrote:

It's tomorrow.  Gathering starting at 6:00 PM at the Friends Center, 1501 cherry Street.

Our terrific lineup of small group discussions (in NO particular order) is as follows:


1.       Desktop tools to help manage the social web flood, led by Warren Allen

2.       Email Marketing & Social Media, led by Crystal Gouldey and Liz Cies. 

3.       Improving your Organization's Website for Better User Experience, led by Michael Tedeschi.

4.       Mobile Site or App for your Org?, led by Nate Gasser. 

5.       Legal issues with business adoption of social media applications, led by Frank Taney. 

6.       Tools for audio podcasting, led by "Podcast Steve" Lubetkin. 

7.       Making Social Media Part of Your Regular WorkDay, led by Gloria Bell. 

8.       Timebanking, led by Jim Wurster. 

9.       Web and media strategies to maximize your reach, led by Rob Kall. 

10.   Multi-channel Social Media Marketing, led by Ralph Medley. 

11.   Utilizing Mobile for Better User Experiences, led by Michael Tedeschi. 

12.   Tools for video podcasting, led by "Podcast Steve" Lubetkin.

13.   Facebook usage, led by Jim Kwok. 

14.   Engineering viral video, led by Ryan Draving. 

15.   Using WordPress to Build a Web Site, led by Jim Wurster


Hope to see you there,




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