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Last Saturdays Meeting...

From: Michael
Sent on: Monday, August 13, 2007, 1:00 PM
Hello everyone,

We had a very successful initial meeting on Saturday. I saw some familiar faces (from the Photography Group) and some new ones as well. Thank you to all the members for coming and contributing to the discussions and presentations. Well done...!!

We talked about a variety of subjects including quite a bit about the use of layers, layer masks and adjustment layers. Several members are currently using Adobe's new "Lightroom" product, and it was great to hear those members thoughts about how it works. I hope everyone found this meeting to be informative and entertaining.

As we move forward, I think our agenda for each meeting will become a little more defined in advance. This should give everyone an opportunity to prepare ideas and/or questions about specific areas of discussion.

So, to that end, I would like to throw it out the group to make suggestions as to what subjects and/or areas of the digital imaging process you would like the group discuss.

Again, Thanks to everyone for making our first meeting a success...

Micheal Noa

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