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Eastside Goblin Market Production Meeting

From: Robert
Sent on: Saturday, October 24, 2009, 9:21 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Faerie in Phoenix; Hope, Wonder, and Deliria!

What: Eastside Goblin Market Production Meeting

When: October 25,[masked]:00 PM

Everhardt Houshold
E Elliot rd & S Greenfield Rd
Gilbert, AZ 85234

As of this meetup, there will be just 3 weeks to go until the Phoenix Faerie Festival.

The Phoenix Faeries and the Las Vegas Faire Folk are putting on a Goblin Market, an enclosed area of the Phoenix Faerie Festival. Inside this concession, all transactions will be done using barter. Guests of the festival will be allowed to set up their own goods for trade, so long as they abide by the rules.

There will be a eastside crafting get together at the Everhart's house to work on fencing, signs, and denizens for the Goblin Market.

Come over and lend a hand; food and water will be available, but bring any special beverages you might want to enjoy. We are likely going to have to have these craft meetings every week up until the festival. Plan on them alternating between the west, central and east sides.

As per usual when listing a meeting at a private residence, I will send exact address information to those who RSVP.

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