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One Week to Submit A Talk for PGConf US 2015! (and other updates)

From: Jonathan K.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 2:40 PM
Hi Everyone,

Happy December!  We wanted to send out a reminder that there is only one week left to submit a talk for PGConf US 2015, the largest PostgreSQL conference in the US which is hosted right here in NYC!  Speakers receive free admission to the conference.

Additionally, our special early supporter pricing ends in one week as well (while supplies last).

For more information on the conference, please visit

For our regular meetups, we are in for a treat next week for our last meetup of 2014 - Magnus Hagander, a core PostgreSQL developer, is visiting next week to talk about "Secure PostgreSQL Deployments" hosted by Goldman Sachs - to RSVP please visit

Take care, stay warm,


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