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Startup Incubator, Programmers & IT

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 24, 2011, 8:29 PM
Hello all,

During the Grow Conf, a group of startups here in Calgary got together over a few beers and decided we'd like to reduce some of our operational costs, start working in a collaborative environment, and work with some of the smartest people in Calgary. It took only about 3 hours (while in Vancouver) to find some space (back in Calgary) and begin conversations with those outside the startup community on how to fund such a venture. To date we're nearing a half dozen small Calgary startups who are eagerly awaiting more participants so we can nail down a date an a time to start a wicked place like this. 

There is an enormous opportunity here to tap into some of the smartest people in Calgary trying to do something cool.

I'm reaching out to all of you because I know there are more companies in this group who are potentially interested in saving money, working with genius', and making waves. If you are even mildly interested in getting a small private incubator going in Calgary, please email me or call directly.

Take care!!

[address removed] 

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