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4-Hour Workweek Book Club

From: Tony G.
Sent on: Thursday, October 11, 2012, 3:26 PM
NOTE: I apologize in advance if you find this post off-topic. Many of you hate this book and I don't blame you. Ferriss comes off as a bit of a d-bag and I find some of his tactics, like outsourcing, objectionable but I work around them.


Hey guys,

A few of you long time Squares might know that I'm a big fan of the 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. I think his system is flawed on a lot of levels (see note above) but I found the principles fundamental to restructuring my company over the last couple years. Unfortunately, I've hit some recent road blocks so I decided to organize a 4HWW book club to see if there are any others that I can join forces with:

4-Hour Workweek Book Club
Thursday, October 25 @ 6:30pm
Shelf Life Books - 100, 1302 - 4th Street SW

* Shelf Life has special ordered copies if you'd like one

All are welcome, including first time readers and anyone who gave up and would like to try again. You'll learn how I make a living, what I do with my extra time and where I'm stuck on my muse projects (a 4HWW term for a business built around passive income).

There will be coffee and tea available and I'll be making oatmeal snack cake!


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